Website updates

Greetings all,

I am not sure if you’ve noticed my absolute withdrawal from anything resembling the social spectrum lately.  But there’s been a ton of stuff going on.  But that’s good.  It means there’s also a TON of stuff to report.

On top of my recent release of my latest film, Travel Geek: Documentary Hong Kong & Macau, I’ve completely revamped and rebuilt the entire website.

I’ve updated lots of the older galleries and added at least 12 new ones (that I can think of).  I’ve compiled a new menu set and a massive main page slider that scrolls the latest featured photos from the Philippines.  When I get back from my filming excursion to the Penghu Islands (leaving tomorrow and coming back on Friday) I hope to go through my entire catalog, select one or two of my best photos out of each album and make what will seem like a never ending slider of super badass photos for your viewing pleasure.

I’ve also updated the blog section and included posts not found here.

There are new plans for releases in the Books section.  This includes  many of my photo-books for the iPad.  And I will be unveiling my plans for a monthly magazine complete with a reader section for submitted travel photos from all over the world.  And that’s in addition to the text format books that should be released on ebook later this year.

There’s a new About page, and I’ve also hosted a brand new Documentary Films section (with two additional pages for the Hong Kong & Macau film and the Philippines film)  The Taiwan film should be out by the 15th or so of this month.  So that will find a home on it’s own page in that section as well.

There’s a lot more that has gone into it.  But I’d be typing for days if I put it all here.  And I feel like it’s been all I could do not to go cross-eyed from staring at the computer screen these last few weeks.  But it’s finally paid off.   The website is not complete.  But it’s ready to be revealed because I am coming around the last corner of having it all put together.  Besides, I couldn’t wait any longer to announce it anyway.  So there ya go!

To view the page, just go to or just click HERE.

Thanks in advance for checking it out.  And if you see anything you think could be better, catch something I missed or know of anything you’d like to see added, just lemme know!