Travel Geek Podcast

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#35 Daniel Levine ($.99 — 31 mins)

Making travel a little safer, Daniel Levine is who you’ll want to talk to BEFORE you lose your luggage in the belly of a 747.
#33 Anthony Morse ($.99 — 53 mins)

Ex-host of the History Channel’s Hidden Cities, and all around good dude, Anthony Morse skirts embarrassment as I kiss his ass and thank him for fun at the zip lines in Chiang Mai.
#32 Adam Kokesh ($.99 — 69 mins)

Presidential hopeful and all around trouble maker, Adam Kokesh gives me a verbal education on what U.S. law means for the world at large.
#31 Marc Defant ($.99 — 55 mins)

Founder of a killer new use for Google Maps, Marc Defant goes deep on history’s place on the map!
#29 Mariana ($.99 — 25 mins)

Dr. Mariana Calleja is a sojourner that I met in Vietnam and wound up back in my neck of the woods in Thailand. Cook chica!
#28 Manouk BOB ($.99 — 25 mins)

Founder of Bunch of Backpakers, Manouk, might look Vietnamese… Okay, she is Vietnamese. But she was raised in the Netherlands. So you know there will be interesting stories to be had.

#27 Jack Scott ($.99 — 53 mins)

Author and valliant discenter of the Islamic affront on homosexuality, Jack Scott talks about life in the Muslim world.
#26 Nathan Mills ($.99 — 74 mins)

Author of the book that introduced me to Kuala Lumpur, Nathan Mills, was a great source of information. He’s also a helluva guy.
#24 Malaysia 101 ($.99 — 32 mins)

Take the crash course in cheap food, travel and lodging.

Yessir. These here are the top ten must sees in Malaysia!
#22 Velbon Tripod Review ($.99 — Video Podcast)

Reviewing Velbon’s newest, lightest, strongest carbon fiber sticks that I’m still using today.
#21 Manfroto Tripod Review ($.99 — 6 mins)

Sponsored by one of the coolest companies out there, Manfroto makes a sweet, light, easy to use design for traveling photogs.
#20 Muay Thai ($.99 — Video Podcast)

The title says it all. Thailand’s signature ass-kicking session takes ringside seats in this exploration of the bloody and ancient sport.
#19 Top Ten Tips for Photography in Singapore ($.99 — 18 mins)

From government censorship laws to the windy, damp conditions on the island, these are the top 10 tips for coming away from Singapore with some great shots!
#18 Singapore 101: The Crash Course ($.99 — 11 mins)

Just like the title says, learn about exchange rates, safety, customs and more in this intro to Singapore.
#17 Free and Cheap Things to do in Singapore ($.99 — 18 mins)

From the air conditioned green house malls, to the massive 10-story libraries, to parties at the Red Light District, there’s always something cheap or free to do in Singapore.
#16 Lisa Egle ($.99 — 45 mins)

Powerhouse female solo traveler, Lisa Egle, is the inventive creator of the Chicky Bus.
#15 Steve Juba ($.99 — 51 mins)

Photography, solo traveling, and Singles by the Bay are all abuzz in Steve’s world – another California native gallivanting the globe.
#14 Mark Vogler ($.99 — 45 mins)

San Francisco radio personality, Mark Vogler, talks all things wine, west coast and gay parties in the valley!
#13 Jessica Festa ($.99 — 67 mins)

She’s only a couple letters off from feisty, but you’d never know it!
#12 Callan Lawrence ($.99 — 54 mins)

Still friends to this day, Callan and I met over Xmas in Ireland and nearly ran over a herd of sheep on our way to the Giant’s Causeway.
#11 Dave Levart ($.99 — 44 mins)

If you spell his last name backwards, you’ll see just how much Dave is addicted to traipsing the globe.
#10 Chris Christensen ($.99 — 36 mins)

The 52-year-old version of me, Chris Christensen chats on sneaking away, lost recordings in Africa, and balancing family and wanderlust.
#9 Andy Tessier ($.99 — 36 mins)

The Barrel Rollman is tumbling his way around the world… literally. Kinda makes you curious what the hell that means, doesn’t it?
#8 Rae Mapey ($.99 — 36 mins)

Rae discusses her awesome new app designed to make travel one step less tricky – financially speaking.
#7 Things I Miss ($.99 — Video Podcast)

A list of the most memorable thing I haven’t experienced in a while… and it shows in this discussion of the things I miss from home while being on the road so long.
#6 Christina Owen ($.99 — 84 mins)

Today’s podcast is with the lovely and loquacious Cristina Owen of In this travelcast, we talk about everything from package tour ripoffs to her cat-sitting duties gone wrong. She also provides me with a very thought provoking and useful top ten list for budge travel. And what’s more, she even goes to eleven!
#5 Exercising on the Road ($.99 — Video Podcast)

What to bring in strange new terrain, what to wear in different climates, and how to maintain your work out while traveling, is all tipped out in this 5th edition of the Travel Geek Podcasts.
#4 Terry Elward ($.99 — 53 mins)

In this fourth edition of TravelCasts, Terry Elward discusses everything from food allergies to cultural norms in third-world marriage mentality. And there’s even a bit of advice for foodies with intolerances and allergies traveling abroad.
#3 Allison Wotawa ($.99 — 32 mins)

In this third edition of TravelCasts, Cyle O’Donnell waxes Mayan history, small documentary film crews and international locales for wine with the uber chic Allison of