Travel Geek Magazine is Now Online!

To date, I have tens of thousands of people reading this blog. These are made up of readers from my other blogs, newsletter recipients, fellow bloggers, and outright subscribers. There are also a ton of viewers that come here from YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and other social media pages. And of course, my photography website, books and video websites also help push things along.


All in, I counted more than 30,000 people across the world who are on board and following me vicariously around the globe. And it’s dizzying when I step back and think of all the time and effort that I have put into this blog. I must have really liked doing it!

But it’s that very same effort that inspired me to open a magazine to house all of the media that I have created over the years.

Since 2005, I have been blogging, creating short films, feature length documentaries, multimedia presentations, published research, vlogs, podcasts, books and photography. And it’s all been from road, from the people and places that inspired me and certainly from the heart.


This last year has been the most active year so far. So it’s no surprise that it’s also the year that I have gained the most followers along this road. But over the years, I have heard a lot of very thoughtful critiques of my blog which have led me to believe that many think that it’s a bit scattered and hard to find all the various items that I have published over the years.

So I asked myself, ‘what could I do to make things easy to find and less cumbersome to sort through?’ And so I started designing a new layout that takes from only the best and newest of my media and lays it all out in a well organized, user-friendly format.

And so, the Travel Geek Magazine was born.


I have created a documentary films page that hosts only the best feature length videos that I’ve made throughout the years. I’ve opened up a new page dedicated solely to the podcasts that I’ve had with amazing, insightful travelers all over the world. I’ve

designated a place just for the short films and extras that scored the highest views on my YouTube, Vimeo and Blip channels.


I’ve created an easy, organized list of links to all of my nearly 70 albums of photography collected from more than 35 countries. And I’ve even added new sections like Travel Oms for the inspired traveling readers out there; the most popular blog posts have been organized for those who just can’t seem to find that one favorite journal from Indonesia; and I’ve also made my books easy to find and peruse.

I also have a place for future advertisers and marketing ideas. But never fear, the magazine is still free and I’d love it if you took a moment to sign up for my latest newsletter. I will make every effort to release a monthly mailing that has all of the latest updates from the month’s travel and adventures.

If you refer a friend, I’ll also throw in a free ebook of your choice. Just have your friend email me to sign them up and reference your email and POOF! You both get to enjoy a book that I have created while traveling this wonderful world of ours.


And, as always, please look over everything and email me with your suggestions.  I know there’s still a lot of work to do. But with your help, the Travel Geek Magazine will become as successful s this blog.

Send your references and suggestions to