Travel Geek: Documentary Philippines Out Now

Greetings all,

For about a month now, I have been working on my latest film, Travel Geek: Documentary Philippines.  And after releasing it in six parts, getting feedback, critiques and comments, I have done the final edits and produced the final draft.  But the story doesn’t end there.

Recently after I released it on Youtube, I got an email from a TV station in Los Angeles indicating that they wanted to pick it up for a spot on their new FIL/AM TV Channel 31 in their San Bernadino and L.A. viewership areas.  FIL/AM Channel 31 is a Filipino-American TV entertainment channel providing 24-7 coverage of news and entertainment from and for Filipinos living in California.

I was honored to accept their offer and I will be sure to make updates as they come in.  Hopefully I will be able to get a schedule of times it will be aired, and I will post that here and on my social networks.

Please enjoy this film as it has meant a lot to me.

5 Replies to “Travel Geek: Documentary Philippines Out Now”

  1. Just stumbled on your blog site, seen your videos and i can tell im a big fan of your work now, 🙂 gona start my own writtings this yr and documentary on my travels and im getting alot of tips from your walls.thanks!

  2. Yes i did enjoy it, and not done browsing on the journal post, end of the day i might be, i’m also a photo hobbyist and wanted to take it to the next level of photography.So far im Enjoying all the asian journal you have and the photos speaks for itself too.KEEP IT UP! 🙂

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