Travel Geek: Documentary Malaysia (Full HD)

Having spent 2013 filming in all parts of Malaysia, this documentary showcases six of the nine selected filming locations. Starting off in Malaysia’s cultural hub, I move northward from Malacca to celebrate Thaipusam outside of Kuala Lumpur. From there, I discover street foots, mile-high temples and Malaysia’s smallest and most diversified national park, roaming sand, sea and jungle in Penang. Then I take to the rafting waterways and climb active waterfalls in Gopeng. Following that is a trip through the tea-rich mountains of the Cameron Highlands where I find the world’s largest flower. And I end my journey on a tropical island getaway, snorkeling on Tioman Island.


Check out additional footage from Travel Geek: Documentary Malaysia

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For the rest of the footage, as well as outtakes, extended cuts and extras that weren’t included in this film, check out the “Short Documentary Films” playlist, or select from the links below:

TGS: Documentary Malacca

TGS: A History of Georgetown

TGS: Hiking Tabur West

TGS: Documentary Gopeng

TGS: DOcumentary Thaipusam (Extended Cut)

TGS: Documentary Thaipusam

TGS: Cameron Highlands

TGS: Taman Negara

TGS: Hiking Tioman Island

TGS: Snorkeling Tioman Island

Serdang: Giant Hamster Ball Adventure

Gourmet Chicken Tandoori Cuisine in Malacca

Travel Geek Short: Snorkeling Tioman Island

Even shrouded in an eerie, noxious haze, the coral blooms under the surface of the seas around Tioman Island, off Malaysia’s southeastern coast, are spectacular. This 20 minute short follows me through the first afternoon of snorkeling three different spots in the area.


Check out additional footage from Travel Geek: Documentary Malaysia

follow on twitter: @cyleodonnell & @travelgeekmag

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December 16, 2013 Update

Hey Travel Geekers,
Next week I’ll be back in Malaysia for the umpteenth time for a short weekend doing visa paperwork. But while I’m there, I’ll more than likely run into something cool to film. So maybe I’ll do an update from the road. Those of you who caught the documentary that I filmed in Penang might enjoy seeing more of it from a different angle.

In other news, for those who have been following my video and Facebook updates on my recent filming junkets in Northern Thailand and Laos, I’ll start editing the footage from the Phuket Vegetarian Festival and northern hill tribes of Laos and Thailand after I return.

It will be fun finally getting these out since, all told, I’ve been back and forth filming in this area since the end of 2009.

These won’t start releasing until after the New Year 2014, and will only be about half of what I have planned for my docs in Laos and Cambodia.


Then, hopefully around March, I’ll finally complete filming down the Mekong, through the Ho Chi Minh Trail (and other war-torn areas that I talked about in my latest Laos update) and down into Cambodia where I’ll be completing a focus piece on the freshwater Irrawaddy Dolphins living just south of the border.

Their numbers are in huge decline. So this will be a bittersweet trip, encompassing not just the awe of seeing freshwater dolphins for the first time (not to mention a rare opportunity), but also to film these creatures in what may well be their remaining years in existence. Hopefully I will be able to add my footage to the pool of collective media behind this wholly necessary movement to save them from extinction.

It will be as important as anything I’ve ever done. And so when that time comes, I’ll hope to call on my 35,000 readers and friends and social networks and contacts and those who have enjoyed my efforts in documenting international cultures and causes these last ten years.

Help me get the word out and maybe we can help the impoverished people of Cambodia and these amazing creatures in one fell swoop, by increasing the eco-tourism to the area and decreasing the need for net fishing along this fragile strip of waters.

More to come on that. It’s going to be an exciting year!

Thanks for spending it with me!

Travel Geek Short: Hiking Tabur West

In Kuala Lumpur’s Klang district lies Melawati, home to three epic hikes; Tabur East, Tabur West and Tabur Extreme. For weekend warriors seeking the city’s nearest adventures, it doesn’t get more rewarding than this. Follow along as my amazing friend Amaal shows me the ropes on Tabur West.

For all the extras from Travel Geek: Documentary Malaysia, visit



**Readers: I’m thinking about doing a new series of short films called “The TG Hike Report” where I do a quick synapses of a hike that I have done recently.  What do you think?  Would you like to see more videos like this?  Let me know in the comments.

Youtube Update May 5, 2013

Happy Monday everyone. I wanted to start this week off by beginning the process of integrating my other media into the blog. So I thought I’d share my YouTube intro video with all the readers and maybe get more of you to subscribe to my channel.

Normally I try to average a release of one new video per week. Some weeks I upload three or four in preparation for those weeks when I know I’ll be traveling or filming. These videos are podcasts (which I call Travelcasts) with other bloggers and travelers. Others are Travel Geek Top Ten videos, where I talk about the top ten tips for travelers on a new topic each time. And some are the outtakes and extras from filming junkets I’ve recently taken.  It really just depends on what I am working on.

Whatever I am doing at the moment, I am almost always sure to be making a video of it or talking about it in front of the camera, or something video related. So my channel is never too far from fresh content.

Watch my channel intro video and then head over to subscribe. There should also be a link at the end of the video to subscribe directly.



Wanna connect further?  Look up at the top left of the page and find me on Twitter and Facebook, too!

So you think you're busy?


Many times I’ve wondered why so many people like to sit and complain about something and then, when the option comes for them to get up and do something about it, they remain seated and seem to come up with a reason that they are disinterested in action.  And this is after moaning and moaning about this thing or that stuff or “those people.”  And it was just so important that it’s worth taking up all that time and energy to talk about.

This is probably where phrases like “bark is bigger than bite,” and “walk the walk, or talk the talk” came from.  And it stands to reason that those doing the most talking, or barking as it were, do the least walking… or biting.

Well, I’m proud to say that I’m a biter.

Hey, before you put your head in the gutter, you know what I mean.  I’m talking about putting action behind my lust for adventure and for producing a world of media for us all to share.

When I was growing up, I always threatened to do things.  Normally they amounted to the more annoying things related to being a stubborn and unruly child.  But as my mother somberly recalls, I’d always actually do them.  So she grew to know my claims as solemn promises rather than empty threats.  And there have been only a few, very purposeful times in my life where this has not been the trend.

I can’t recall if it was for the satisfaction, or if it was my plan all along.  But I like to think that I have always been a man of action because this is just something we should all embrace: doing what we say we will do.

Having said that, I have always talked about the traveling and the writing and the photography that I’d someday publish.  And I always knew that I’d be doing it, too.  But until I started traveling, all I could do was fantasize.  Of course, my family traveled a lot when I was younger.  And I got to see a lot of the states.  But when I’d write in my journal or take my video camera and make little mini-movies with my brother, they would always be firmly grounded in our current location.

And so I’d wait.  Wait until the time of my life when I could finally break free from the shackles of normality and trade the mundane for the magical.

And I have realized with growing profundity over the course of the last nine years that I have finally made good on my youthful promises.  I’ve finally been able to climb over this giant challenge that I made to myself (and indeed to the world I’d consigned myself to explore) when I was younger.  And I have gone out into the world, produced a heap of photos, published several books and made a library of movies — all while traveling and seeing the grand planet that I knew was out there when I was a kid.

Why this whimsical trip down memory lane in an otherwise travel-focused blog?  Well, apart from releasing the blogs in January, I have been focusing on my latest film.  And along with taking up much of the time that I’d normally be blogging, it’s taken a lot of effort, too.

So much effort, in fact, that I have not gotten much sleep since the turn of the new year.  And the process for this film started even farther back than that.

In the last year, I spent nine months gathering footage for my feature length film in Taiwan. In doing so, I covered more than 5,000 miles on trains, cars, motorbikes, planes and boats — not to mention 20-or-so miles of hiking — while gathering 70-plus hours of footage, on which I spent the last two-and-a-half months and hundreds of hours cutting, composing, recutting and editing so that I could release it by the due date of February 28 (the official anniversary of the last day of filming).

And in that time, I’ve sifted through 114 Gigabytes worth of data spread out across 2,866 files from 68 folders of completely original media; and composed and added 15 musical themes and 215 soundtracks; all to produce one full length, two-hour film and more than four hours of extras and outtakes.

And this is in addition to editing dozens of photos, revamping two websites, editing 50-plus pages of my latest book, keeping up with this blog and shooting two weeks worth of footage for future media productions here in Malaysia.

In my personal life, last but not least, I was dealing with a lengthy personal challenge, moving halfway around the world and getting a job working as a college professor in a new place with very limited accommodations and still being expected to be at work on time and perform as I would under much less demanding circumstances.

Whew! Now THAT’S busy!

In any case, I’ve finished the film as of 9:30 last night.  And I am now awaiting the first render to finalize, which takes about 16 hours on my computer.  I will watch it for the first time in its completed form tonight and check for errors, transitional problems, good flow and all the other things that a good director should be watching for.

And when I am satisfied that it is worthy of the global audience, I’ll be releasing one more of my childhood dreams to the world.

I am very excited about this latest release.  It will be twice as long as my longest documentary to date.  And while that’s not necessarily a good thing in today’s fast paced, watch-on-the-go, five-minute YouTube videos, at the very least it will hold the potential to bring me into the realm of serious travelers and respected documentary filmmakers.  And that’s the exciting part — among all the other very fulfilling parts that come along with the finality of a year-long project.

This latest film was captured more like a journal than either of my two preceding films.  It wound up being 1:58 (1hr & 58m) and I was the only camera operator for most of the footage.  So many of the shots are handheld, pointed at myself and I even had to coordinate shot sequences so that I could later edit with that sequence in mind.  So not only did this project require a lot of forethought and planning, but it was also the result of a lot of introspection and taking lessons from what I learned in my journals and my previous filming expeditions.  I wanted that “gonzo journalist” style in this latest one.  And I think that my planning helped me achieve that.

And while I did keep journals from all of the places and experiences in this film, I never released them here on my blog.  So this latest doc also has a sense of nostalgia in that I am able to blog through one of my videos.  Trust me; it has the personal touch that comes through in this blog.  So I am happy to finally see it come to life.

As always, the film will be available for free as a 720/30p YouTube video.  But if you’d like to purchase a Full High Definition 1080p copy, it will come with all of the extra short films that were created, many outtakes that were not used in the feature, lots of HDR photos and trip journals.  And because you’re a subscriber of this blog or because you are subscribed to my YouTube channel or follow me on Twitter or Facebook, you’ll also get all the production photos, planning and script notes, a PDF of a signed script (originals available) and photos from the road that will never appear online.  It’s all ready for immediate download; all for $8.99!

Please visit the Travel Geek: Documentary Taiwan film page for more details and to view extras from the trip.  And when the film becomes available, I will update the blog and post the final details.

Thanks to those of you who have commented, shared, sent feedback throughout the filming and subscribed to my YouTube channel.  I hope you continue to share, comment and enjoy these as much as I enjoy making them.  I like knowing that I have created something for people to share and that makes the world a little bit better during the time that I happened to have visited.

Headed for Macau

Greetings all.

As the journals from the Philippines unfold, I will be headed to yet another filming trip in the Chinese Special Administration Region (SAR) of Macau.  I hope to be taking a chopper over to Hong Kong.  But that might not be in the cards.  But that might pale in comparison to the plans I have for diving off the tallest bungee experience in the world — the Macau Tower.

The video below details the gear that I will be bringing along for the ride and using for filming, blogging and hopefully releasing a video while I’m there.

The journals from the Philippines will still be released.  In fact, the last journal is slated for April 4 at 1pm EST.  So at that point I should be prepped to announce the book release and be finished with all the journals from the Southeast Asia portion of the blog.

Far East Asia is being filmed and documented now and I hope to have much more of that by the end of the year.  But until then, enjoy the rest of the SEA journals and I will see you stateside!

Operation Mayhem

Imagine that all that is taught to you is wrong. Now imagine that all you learn for yourself must be the truth. No one guides you to yourself. Why should anyone guide you to a god? To a political party? To the right to be happy? To be free? These are intrinsic to us. It’s the leaders that tell us we should seek these out under their terms. Expose the lies. ALL the lies. And support others who do as well.