Travel Cast with Terry Elward, Podcast #4

Hey Travel Geekers! Today’s Travelcast is with Terry Elward of She’s an extremely knowledgeable and candid bastion of the nomadic lifestyle.

She’s also very creative, if not die-hard, when it comes to global cuisine. She’s not so much a foodie as she is a body-conscious eater. But she blogs about everything from food allergies andĀ intoleranceĀ to kosher/halal restrictions and cultural cuisine expectations. And because of that, it’s made her an expert in finding the foods that appease the traditional or religious requirements, that don’t affect the allergic centers and that leave the gastatory organs in the best possible shape!


Follow Terry on Twitter: @MissTravels

And after you’ve followed her, swing on over and follow me as well, @cyleodonnell, as Terry and I tweet our travel tips back and forth — join the discussion!