Adventure on a Roll


This past weekend, I headed out to Serdang and had a blast at the Giant Hamster Ball.  I also met some amazing new friends and shot some really cool footage for my latest documentary here in Malaysia.

GAC Adventures Malaysia, hosted the event which included a water orb, bumper orb and, of course, the downhill orb (and even had an archery set-up while you wait!).  I suppose that calling them “Giant Balls” might have brought on the wrong impression.  So they ended up with “orb” instead.

In any case, I met Wan, the environmentalist pictured above, and his cousin, the lovely and bubbly, Amaal, who have both been wonderful contacts to meet along the way.

Wan works as a conservation forester in one of the oldest forests in Malaysia.  They call this the virgin forest because of its untouched beauty.  And Wan said that I will be welcomed to join him on many weekends when we can explore this wonderful place.  So I will definitely be taking him up on that.

Amaal has sent me some amazing contacts for going out all over Malaysia and seeing the country that most people don’t get to see when they visit here.  So I am happy to have met such enthusiastic and knowledgeable folks that can show me the ropes.

So, thanks to her, I will be looking forward to filming wild elephants at the Kuala Gandah Elephant Conservation Center, doing zip-lines with SkyTrex Adventures, checking out the National Museum and seeing what kinds of amazing masks they have on display, visiting a plethora of breathtaking waterfalls all over the country (including a 4WD trip to the Jereng Kang Waterfall), going to the largest continuous rain forest complex in Peninsular Malaysia, Belum- Temengor, and even hope to do the famous North Borneo Railway through the jungles of Sabah!

And let’s not forget the skydiving that I still have planned!  CJ, the owner of GAC Adventures, has even told me about the motorized paragliding that he and his friends do.  So I’ve also been invited along for that.

It looks like I have my work cut out for me in the coming months.  And it’s gonna be an absolute blast traveling all over the country to get this amazing footage.

Don’t worry; I will be blogging all about it and bringing you along with me.  But don’t forget that this will all be going into an ultimate documentary that exposes the Malaysia that only shows itself to those willing to live and stay here long enough to meet the right people (like Amaal and Wan) to make it happen!

Check out the short video below to get a sneak preview of the downhill orb and other events that went down this past weekend.