Well I'll Be a Giant Hamster!

I was going to make this really entertaining introduction about the update for this week’s filming expedition, but ultimately it’s pretty simple.

This weekend, I am taking off to a town just outside of Kuala Lumpur so that I can hop into a giant hamster ball and roll haphazardly down a hill.

There are some other events that I will be doing there, but basically, that’s it.  Not a lot of explaining to do.  But the images that come to mind after saying just that sentence really does a lot to build up the excitement.  And I plan on having a blast.  I have always wanted to do this and I have never known how or where these things take place.  So perhaps that will be enough for this update.

Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel to get updated when the outtakes are released and check in at cyleodonnell.com for more travel and filming updates.

Below are various Google search images to help that ol’ mental pallet in creating the right picture of what I’ll be “climbing into” this weekend!