November 14, 2013 Update

Filming in the northern mountains of Laos and Thailand, I have had some amazing experiences so far. They will be sure to continue as I have much more filming planned for early 2014 and beyond.

Check out this video update from the road, and be sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel as I will have the new Borneo documentary out soon as well as everything slated for the 2014 filming set (the Phuket Vegetarian Festival, the Mighty Mekong River, the Vietnam War ravaged areas in Laos and even a focus piece on the declining numbers of freshwater Irrawaddy dolphins in Cambodia.


Video Description:

This update comes from Northern Laos, right on the Mekong River. I’ve just finished filming in the hill tribe areas of Northern Thailand, and I am on my way to a 48-hour boat ride down the mighty Mekong River right into the Loi Kratong festival where the locals light candles and send them floating down the river by the thousands.

By Saturday I hope to be in Luang Prabang capturing footage of the majestic 7-tier waterfall and Asiatic bear rehabilitation center — ran entirely by Buddhist monks.

Stay tuned and check out all the videos to come from my filming trip through the Mekong region of Laos and Cambodia this month.

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Check out additional footage from Travel Geek: Documentary Malaysia

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