Journal 35: Day 11 – Part 2: Notes and Gallery

So, after my day of temples, bugs and journalists, I have compiled a nice gallery to go along with Journal 35 (part 1) and it follows.

For the rest of the night, I pattered around the beach closest to the hostel and noticed some nice sights around the area.

The buildings that surround the little bay that makes up the area’s beach are lit up in dazzling colors.  It’s great for the views, but they also bring out a lot of other interesting things as well.  Firstly, the musicians and painters like to flock around lighted sculptures shaped like huge elk from Montana and oversized pottery that looms over the fishing blocks.

The artists might be expected.  But things that were a little abnormal were, for instance, the reiki master who scans his clients’ bodies for illnesses and ailments and then gives the customer a reading of how to fix these problems.  That guy was probably the last one I would expect to see there.

But I kept going and tried to cover as much of the area as I could because I knew that the next day, I’d be on a flight to Jeju Island — a place teeming with crazy and cool things to do like see the sex sculptures on the west side; or go to one of the myriad golf ranges on the island; or do bumper cars, ride go-carts or go horse riding — available all under one roof — in the south; or ride a motorbike around the outside of the island.  But tonight it was all about the beachfront bars and lights.

I spent a good deal of the night walking around the beach.  But then I went into what looked like this nice place overlooking the water to have a couple games of darts and go home.  But I would up getting invited to a club called “Billie Jean’s” in another part of town.  It was all that it sounds like it is: music from the 80’s and Asians who love to dance to it.

So that was my night.  I rushed home at 3am to hopefully get enough sleep to make it to the airport in time to make my 9:30am flight to Jeju.  But, knowing how time works here in the southern part of Korea, I was pretty sure that wouldn’t be too much of a problem.

Soon it would be fun in the sun and checking out all that Korea’s most prized tourist island has to offer.  I just hope that it’s not too sunny out.  I haven’t been reacting too well to the sunburns that I have gotten so far.  And if it’s anything like the sun in most tropical islands I have gone to in this part of the world, I am in for a few nights of jamming on the bed, oiled to the gills in aloe and watching all my episodes of “Raising Hope” that I got just before I left for this trip.

But here’s hoping that I will make it for three last days in style.

One Reply to “Journal 35: Day 11 – Part 2: Notes and Gallery”

  1. Beautiful coastine. You’re right – Korea seems to be one surprise after another. I had no idea about the duality that existed there! Thanks for the great pix and all the detailed info about your travels-helps make the pictures make sense!

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