How to Eat a Cockroach

I get asked all the time whether I eat strange foods while traveling. And to answer this question, yes.

Among the stranger delicacies throughout Asian cuisine, cockroaches of various species are on the high class menu.

Personally, I could go my entire life and never even see one of these again, and it would still be too soon. But it seems apparent that these disgusting creatures aren’t going anywhere. They’re found everywhere on earth. And because I travel native style, it’s time to man up and eat one like a local.


5 Replies to “How to Eat a Cockroach”

      1. Yeah, I imagine it was much more crunchy and a whole lot less slimy… Haha. Yes, the snake heart- wish was in La Met, Vietnam- is where I draw the line! You’ve just given me a great idea for a new post- you’ll be mentioned! 🙂

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