Travelcast with Mark Vogler, Podcast #14

This week’s travelcast is long overdue. The refreshingly honest and unquestionably well traveled, Mark Vogler is a local radio contributor to the San Francisco area. An admitted wine aficionado, Mark also discusses his Out In The Vineyard party where people of all sexual orientations gather to enjoy the liquid of the grape gods. And, as always, we talk about travel — and how it relates to the heated issue of LGBT travelers and the headlines it’s making in controversial places.

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Travelcast with Callan Lawrence, Podcast #12

Writer and ex-travel buddy, Callan Lawrence and I wax political, discuss the state of the world and delve into the challenges of writing as a career at home and on the move in this latest edition in the Travel Geek Travelcast series.

Callan is as personable as I remember him.  And he’s twice as globally involved. When we met, it was around Christmastime 2006 and we were in Northern Ireland.  We had a pretty cool experience heading northbound to the Giant’s Causeway.

We reminisce on this and other cool times on the road.  And we cover some pretty interesting topics about the state of global affairs in the years since we met in this podcast.


Check out Callan’s writing at The AU Review.  And follow him on twitter, @callaw81.


Travelcast with Dave Levart, Podcast #11

The charismatic and travel-crazed Dave Levart, of Dave’s Travel Corner, is my guest on this week’s podcast.  He’s so crazy about travel that he  changed his last name to travel-spelled-backward. Okay, that last part was a lie. But let’s just say he’s a nomadic nut.

And in this podcast we talk about all the things he does when he’s out and about.  Dave is a fellow blogger, traveler and he’s especially inclined to the wine producing places of the world.


Find Dave at his very successful website, Dave’s Travel Corner. and follow him on twitter, @DaveDTC.

The quality of this podcasts was a little shaky due to the distance, internet quality and some technical difficulties. My apologies. Sometimes it happens.

New Travelcast with Chris Christensen, Podcast #10

I have dubbed Chris Christensen, the guest on this week’s travelcast, the father of modern travel podcasting. He’s a madman when it comes to talking about travel.  And he’s been making podcasts about travel on his show, , for a long time.  He’s actually done more than 300 of them, if you can believe that.  I felt like a novice talking to him in my little blogging/podcasting efforts here.  But he’s the kind of gentleman that puts people at ease. And before long, we were covering some real ground (metaphorically and through our travel stories).

Listen in as we discuss his endless insights into budget, safety and sustained travel concerns.  He has a wealth of knowledge and a library of stories from travels past.


You can find Chris at Amateur Traveler, and on his YouTube channel.  And be sure to follow him Twitter and Facebook.

The quality of this podcasts was a little shaky due to the distance, internet quality and some technical difficulties. My apologies. Sometimes it happens.

Travelcast with Andrew Tessier, Podcast #9

Andrew Tessier and his organization,, are the focus of this ninth Travel Geek Podcast.  Listen in as Andrew discusses the organization’s history and focus on helping disadvantaged infants through his interesting, global technique of bringing people together and having fun.

Only slightly intuitive, the title, Barral Rollman, actually means to lunge face forward and do a front roll onto the back.  And he’s endeavored to break the Guinness World Record of number of people to collectively do this roll.  He came close.  But as he says in this interview, 1,000 people is the ticket.  And it’s all for a good cause, he said, bringing people together to help the Nurses for Newborns Foundation.


Enjoy the interview and then stop by his website for more information.

Travelcast #8 with Rae Mapey

Today’s travelcast finds the travel-savvy Rae Mapey talking about her latest gift to the nomadic world — her new mobile app!

Rae, a professed homegrown hockey fan straight out of B.C., found herself talking with friends about problems declaring taxable items at customs one night and, poof, the idea for Simply Declare was born.

Listen in as she discusses the many wonderful uses of her app and the extras that it has in tow.


Additional note: Since the recording, Rae has indeed chosen to take on advertising for her app in order to access newer markets, she said in a followup email.  An in-app purchase of $.99 will remove the ads from this newer, free version of the app, she reported.

Do you have a unique gift to the travel world? Does your blog or expertise have to do with a nomadic lifestyle? Pitch me your idea and maybe we could do a travelcast together!  Send inquiries to

Travelcast #5 Top Ten Travel Tips for Exercising on the Go

In addition to the video that I made in Borneo in mid-March, I have compiled a list of smart things to employ while traveling if you’ve got it in mind to continue your workout on the road.

Just because you’re traveling, it doesn’t mean that you have to give up on your exercise routine.  The list below will help you keep on track with your workout long into your travels — whether you’re traveling for just a week or months on end.

Keep in mind that, while I mentioned keeping a schedule in this list, I wanted to make a special note about that here.

The attention and care that you take in planning your workout regimen before you leave will be your best tool in preparing you for keeping up with your workout.  We all know how busy and chaotic travel can be.  But if you’ve created a schedule of your workout before you left, there should be little that stays in the way of your exercising goals.

Think creatively: You can use your backpack as a dumbbell or a stack of books as a Yoga block.  Look around for a hotel with a gym.  Many towns and neighborhoods have a pool or small fitness center — ask around.

This schedule should ideally be in the form of a ledger or notebook with very specific times and activities.  It should have a place for you to write down your progress and keep an accurate account of what you’ve done, when you’ve done it and how many or how long each exercise took to complete.  Once you’ve checked it off, you know that you can take the necessary recovery time until your next workout date.

WorkoutScheduleAbove is a “general” schedule of workouts.  It’s specific but not overwhelming.  It’s organized, too — leaving ample time for muscle recovery between workouts.  It also, you might notice, divides the workouts to challenge your body one week and aerobically work it the next.

I like this schedule because the muscle training weeks allow me to be “comfortably lazy.”  This means that I can sit around in a hostel, lay poolside or hit the beach for an entire week but punctuate my workout with long periods of catching up on journals, editing photos or rendering the newest videos.

But this is specific to me, my travel schedule and my particular fitness goals.  So you can shuffle this around a bit or use a lighter or heavier routine to suit your travel requirements.

This particular routine is good for those with “themed” travel, like photographing the scenes or writing blogs.  But yours might be better suited having less muscle training.

The schedule below is for keeping track of progress and take notes like “too much beer last night” or “don’t like running on Mondays,” or things like that.  It, again, is very basic and is based on the above regimen.


[About the video: I was in Borneo this past weekend filming for what will probably end up being three filming sessions to shoot what I want to shoot for the North Borneo Railroad, a jungle hike, some of Brunei and of course, the orangutan refuge (and maybe even do the Pada white water rafting).  While there, I realized that Borneo is a great place to talk about the challenges of exercising on the go.]

Below is the Top Ten list for how to stick to your routine while on the road.

The Top Ten List for Working Out on the Go:

1. Bring your own clothes and shoes — don’t plan on buying exercise gear or apparel in-country.
2. Pack any medical supplies that you need: inhalor, diabetic needs, etc.
3. In the cities, look for gyms that offer a free one- to three-day pass that can hold you over until you’re in the next city.
4. In the country, find a nice, out-of-the-way place to do your jogging. This will help to avoid animals, traffic and dangerous obstacles.
5. Bring a long-sleeved, synthetic fiber shirt for helping to avoid sunburn, dry skin from windy and arid conditions; and it will also provide a continual layer of moisture to help cool you off.
6. Bring a hat and sunglasses to keep the sun off your eyes and off of your face in the event that your workout takes longer than normal.
7. Don’t run in your hiking boots! And don’t hike in your exercise shoes. Take the time to pack safe enough shoes to support your workout.
8. Make a plan and stick to it. Just because you’re traveling, it doesn’t mean that you need to slide on your workout regimen.
9. Do sit-ups, push-ups and workout routines in your hotel room by bringing workout videos with you on your laptop.
10. Watch your diet. Extra attention must be paid when you change your diet to the host-country’s offerings. You can help this by bringing supplements and checking your beer/wine intake.

Do you find it hard to work out on the go?  Tell me what you think in the comments section:

Travelcast #6 with Cristina Owen

Today’s podcast is with the lovely and loquacious Cristina Owen of  In this travelcast, we talk about everything from package tour ripoffs to her cat-sitting duties gone wrong.  She also provides me with a very thought provoking and useful top ten list for budge travel.  And what’s more, she even goes to eleven!

Check out her latest post on the podcast here.

So for everyone trying to save money on the go and wanting advice for solo female travelers, you’ve located your go-to gal.

When you’re finished watching, why not head over to her blog, subscribe to her updates and connect with her on twitter and Facebook (


After this podcast, head over to her blog post and get her thoughts on the podcast and the followup to the Top Ten (plus one) list she gave me.

Travel Cast with Terry Elward, Podcast #4

Hey Travel Geekers! Today’s Travelcast is with Terry Elward of She’s an extremely knowledgeable and candid bastion of the nomadic lifestyle.

She’s also very creative, if not die-hard, when it comes to global cuisine. She’s not so much a foodie as she is a body-conscious eater. But she blogs about everything from food allergies and intolerance to kosher/halal restrictions and cultural cuisine expectations. And because of that, it’s made her an expert in finding the foods that appease the traditional or religious requirements, that don’t affect the allergic centers and that leave the gastatory organs in the best possible shape!


Follow Terry on Twitter: @MissTravels

And after you’ve followed her, swing on over and follow me as well, @cyleodonnell, as Terry and I tweet our travel tips back and forth — join the discussion!

TravelCast with Ally Quest, Podcast #3

So this weekend I have the lovely and talented Allison Wottowa on the line for my latest podcast.  It’s a memorable conversation with a fellow traveler and filmmaker (and serial Quantum Leap nerd).  She’s the host of the fabulous new series of international, era-oriented travel shorts hosted on her website,

From the Wrigley Family on Catalina Island to Mayan history around the Yucatan, Ally waxes tantalizing travel topics and gives up an amazing top ten list for international wine connoisseurs.

Watch the travelcast (you know, a podcast for travel nuts), and then head on over to check out her website and YouTube channel.