Latest Travel Geek Release from Documentary Taiwan: Part Five

The Penghu Islands are just epic.  I don’t know of any other way to say it.  In Taiwan, I have two favorite places (or, at least two top spots tied at first place); Taroko Gorge and the Penghu Islands.  And perhaps this is because I am a bit biased on the side of geological marvels.  But these places are just otherworldly.

For the common traveler, it gets no better than to rent a bike and be alone for a few days with no rules, no risk and no limitations.  Once on the back of a simple 50cc scooter, one is free to putt around, buzz through the back alleys and drive right over the grass to reach these amazing sights.  And in few places of the world are they more plentiful.  They simply cast a shadow over the nearest conglomeration of natural wonders.

And did I mention they’re cheap?  It costs around $30 to fly there from the mainland.  It takes 45 minutes to get there.  And once you’re there, pop a tent and spend your nights knowing that when you unzip your vestibule the next morning, you’ll be overlooking 500,000-year-old volcanic columns that were pushed up from the center of the earth… and a sunrise.


In addition to this portion of the film, I am also including one of my most recent uploads from the “Outtakes & Extras” section.  Of the many outtakes that I had to refrain from including in the feature length film, I regretted this one a lot.  It’s a nice, succinct introduction to the behemoth columnar basalt formations in the background and I wish it could have made it into the film.  But as it stands, I simply had to trim all the fat if I was going to keep the documentary under two hours.


But as far as the bulk of my amazing experience in Penghu, this portion of the documentary really says it all.  It’s got the best parts of the three-day trip that I took there.  And what I didn’t release with the feature length documentary, I published to the web on the Taiwan film page of my website.  So after you’ve watched this part, be sure to head over and check out those outtakes and extras.  And if you feel so inclined, make a donation and support future trips.

Latest Travel Geek Release from Documentary Taiwan: Part Four

Traversing the world’s markets has got to be one of the most interesting and fun things for me.  Some people just hop in and hop out – never really realizing what they’re passing by.  Some people like to go, sit down and eat.  Others enjoy them for the aromas, sounds and variety in its many forms.  Others still go to sell goods, to talk shop or even perform for the masses.

I like to go for all of these reasons – well, probably not to sell things or perform.


I like to take it all in.  I am there for the experience.  And no matter how many times I go to the same market, I always meet new people, discover new foods or learn something new and interesting about the culture.  It just never fails to be a cool experience.

To date, I’ve bought the most amazing things I’ve ever seen at various Asian markets.  I’ve bought (and eaten) everything from tarantulas and snakes to bugs and alien-looking fruits.  I ate sewer rat at a market in Indonesia.  I picked, cooked and ate a guinea pig at a market in Peru.  I even bought a squirrel – I’m not kidding; I bought a squirrel at the Jatujak market in Bangkok and kept it as a pet.  But all this is nothing compared to what I’ve passed up.

On any given day, you can buy a cobra, an asp, a viper or any number of other deadly snakes at markets in Cambodia, Laos and Thailand.  You can buy all the newest pirated films, music and software that’s been hacked and unlocked.  Fashion items from Gucci and Lauren to Elle and others.  There’s just no limit to what you can find in markets.

And the Kaohsiung market is no different.

In Part Four of my latest film, Travel Geek: Documentary Taiwan, I dive right in and take viewers for a spin through one of the country’s biggest and most mesmerizing collections of food vendors, stall restaurants and niche workers.

Latest Travel Geek Release from Documentary Taiwan: Part Three

In Part Three of the documentary series in Taiwan, I visit Lanyu Island.  And before I even arrived, I came upon some harsh realities of this part of the country.


Firstly, it’s only on the whim of the boat captains that the ferries disembark.  This was troubling since I knew that if I had a more stringent schedule, I’d have been very disappointed about the turnout here.  My camera person and I didn’t have to wait long for our trip.  But I heard that we were lucky.  We were only there for an hour when the boat captain gave the signal for people to load up.

This is actually not uncommon for the area, I’ve heard, though.  In fact, the whole of the east coast in Taiwan blends much of an “island feel” into its way of life.  Things happen when the initiative of those in charge of the task topples the inertia that resists it.  Aside from that, the weather pretty much determines everything else.

Especially here in the south of the east coast, the climactic changes are sudden and often fierce.  This is where the Pacific finds its ending point.  And the last remaining fetters enacted against it have either been destroyed by the damaging elements or are weathering away to the realm of obsolete.

On the boat trip, there were similar and negative challenges to the comfort most of us expected to have.  We all heard that it was a bit bumpy.  But what we didn’t hear was that it was three hours long in choppy seas, the “choppiness” of the seas were such that 20-foot swells were common, and that the engine’s exhaust pumped right into the passenger deck, inflaming the sense of nausea by removing what little air was available to quell the initial upsurges of sea sickness.

About an hour in, I started feeling it myself – and having been on boats for a good portion of my life, I considered myself to have a pretty strong stomach.  But this was not doing much to keep me from turning quite pale in the presence of people blowing chunks every couple minutes.  I fared well until the fumes from the engine made me almost pass out from aerial poisoning.  But once I was out on the back deck for a breather, I could feel the blood making its way back through my body, rejuvenating what was previously a circulating concoction of toxicity that could kill a nest of cockroaches.

Lightheaded but aware, I made several trips in and out of the cabin to keep myself conscious.  And once we arrived, all the passengers sort of gathered on the concrete harbor to collect themselves for a few minutes before heading off to their respective destinations.

I’d say tourists comprised only about 10 percent of the travelers on board.  The rest were native Yami bringing goods and supplies back to their homes or coming back from school to visit their families.  So I instantly knew that we were there at the right time of year to bypass the tourist rush (late January).

After snapping a few shots, I had my first encounter with the long, bony arm of Taiwanese law.  The Coast Guard was on watch with a few semen at the helm of a wind-worn look-out shack just past the main harbor.  And since they were the only live bodies around after I’d stupidly wasted my first few minutes snapping away at the amazing view of the imposing mountains abutting the southern coastline along the boat dock, I pestered them into getting in touch with the locals that were in charge of the motorbikes that were parked in a random place along the concrete boardwalk.

It wasn’t too much hassle to rent a bike.  I finally worked out that I’d be renting for a couple days at $NT500/day.  There was no need for a driver’s license, a passport or even a handshake.  These guys knew that there was no escaping this tiny island without everyone knowing about it.  And even if I’d had it in mind to try and skip town, the boat captain was probably related to the bike owner in some way.  So, keeping things honest by way of the scarcity of white faces in these parts, it was a quick conversation, and off to see the sights.  I donned a helmet, cranked the engine over and set off into the nearest village.

Tribal villages in Lanyu are not what they seem in writing.  When you drive through this area, it’s immediately evident that this area was once much more “native” than it is now.  Currently, concrete slabs and continuous construction of small buildings takes place everywhere you’d hope to go here.  And with every direction boasting Levy’s, satellite TV and rap music blasting out of the sheet-for-a-window cottages, it’s a lot like driving through south Chicago – if it laid against a lush, green hill.

In between villages, though, is where the real allure takes the mind on a pleasant, time-forgotten journey, with its less humanized topography.

Every few hundred meters driving up the east coast of the island, a giant, overhanging ledge would spew up a giant, bluish mist and fill the chilly air with a palpably salty fragrance.  If I wasn’t on the bike, I’d think I was flying through a sea of clouds that took on the hue of a glacier and filled my nose with the essence of table salt.

I’d stop and snap a few shots as humongous surges of ice-blue water thunderously beat down against the jagged, weathered, charcoal-colored rocks below.  It was a vivid pallet for the senses.  And the grime in the air added a tone not unlike the old harbors of the south Maine coast.  All that was missing was the infrequent clanging of the offshore brass-bell buoy… and the incessant screeching of giant seagulls.

[baby goat shot]

I’d stop between every village and climb around on the rocks, snap photos of the free range goats.  We even took the little off-shooting roads to see where they’d lead.  We came up on this open field where this particularly brave batch of them let us approach quite closely.  And I almost stepped on this little infant goat (what is the name for them anyway?).  It was cute.  The camera person thought it was a good idea to pick it up.  And by all appearances, it seemed like the natural thing to do.  This cute, little, scruffy animal seemed about as threatening as a marshmallow at a campfire.  But I knew better.  I knew that this little guy was born with a set of chompers and jaw muscles that would just as soon take off with my finger as sit there and continue to look cute.  So I let it be.

When we arrived back in the original town that we’d started at, we asked around until we met an English-speaking native.  Her name was Zoe, and she was on the boat with us.  She’d returned along with a few others from the mainland for the college break to catch up with family at the onset of the Chinese New Year festivities.

She and her friend invited us to stay with them in one of their extra rooms.  It was bare-bones.  But it was workable.  The room itself was spacious, or perhaps it felt that way because there was literally nothing in it.  We’d brought our sleeping bags with us for the road trip around the southern tip of the island.  So we were prepared to have colder weather.  But it’s a good thing, because without those, we’d have had nothing between us and the hardwood floor underfoot.

But for what the accommodation lacked in amenities, the family more than made up for in hospitality.

As soon as we arrived the ladies invited us over to their house for a midday lunch that was cooking in the kitchen.  We sat down and the women started hitting on me – it was uncomfortable.  But we made it through the meal and headed back to the room for a siesta.

That night we found out just how difficult it was to get a hot meal at night.  The shops closed up pretty early, and if it wasn’t for a neighboring grocery/everything-else store, we’d probably have gone completely without food for the rest of the day.

We managed to score some noodles and hardboiled eggs for about three times their normal selling price on the mainland.  But it was what we needed to finish off the night and we slept until the morning.

The second day was much like the first, with the exception of increased difficulty in finding food.  But we knew enough to plan ahead at that point – and we knew right where to go for provisions.  So we were spared of a night full of tummy-grumbling and slept soundly.  That is, we slept soundly until the storm hit in the middle of the night which shook the floorboards underneath us until the early morning.

And it was that fateful storm that would also prove to be quite a first-perceived wrench in our plans.

We’d started the road trip with the intention on going all the way up to the gorge in the car and camping for a night there.  But the storm had left the sky above the southeastern coast with enough remaining pressure to churn the seas into a roiling, non-navigable fusion of combers and gales.  So, while I was disappointed that we’d be missing out on Taroko Gorge (which I made up for by filming later), I was okay with maintaining my current status of “alive” by staying on the island until the high winds passed.

In any case, there were no boats adrift today.  So our opinions on the matter were about as persuasive as a prey’s appeal to a predator.

And this turned out to be a good thing in the end.  Because when the family found out that we’d be staying another day instead of taking off that morning, they invited us to eat this huge meal chock-full of all the local delicacies.

Soups seasoned with local herbs whose names I’ll never be able to recall; a stack of locally endemic potatoes, squashes and other root vegetables; and a variety of teas and other hot drinks – these were all meted out with dizzying generosity on our last day on Orchid Island.  And this is after a giant pig was butchered, quartered, divvyed and shared with bottle after bottle of Taiwanese booze.  By midday, we simply couldn’t keep up any longer.

We passed out to a drizzle plinking beats in the tin roof overhead and awoke in just enough time to make another pass around the island before savoring our last moments in Lanyu with the guest family that evening.

Latest Travel Geek Release from Documentary Taiwan: Parts One and Two

In the last month I’ve gotten a lot of feedback about my latest film, Travel Geek: Documentary Taiwan.  This latest film doesn’t represent my latest film “capturing” efforts, but certainly is inclusive of my “post-production” skills gained at film school this past summer (2012).  So while the critiques about camera work are solid and I will be implementing these insights into my upcoming films, I have to say that the good reviews on my latest editing technique are really rewarding.

The other compliments have been very nice as well.  But I just wanted to point out that last bit because of what I’ve decided to do based on the other comments from the video views.

I currently have somewhere around 1,200 followers on this blog with an additional 300-or-so blog followers through WordPress.  I get around 2,000 visitors from Twitter each month.  I have more than 120 regular followers through my YouTube channel.  And more than 2,500 through Facebook (from several pages and non-friend users).  So, while I am eager to get more followers (wink, wink), I am happy to receive comments from these various sources.  And this latest film has really drawn some great responses.

But one of the recurring comments that I have received is that it’s a bit too long to just sit and watch in one shot.  So, to assist those of you without gobs of time on your hands, I am releasing the film in 10 separate parts over the course of the next 14 days (one part every two days with the Intro (Part One) and Part Two on the first day).

And that starts today.  So below, I have uploaded the first two parts and if you’ve already seen them, you can feel free to just wait until I get caught up to where you’re at in the film, and start watching from there.

Included with subsequent parts of each new section, I will also be adding blogs as to the background of the filming from the personal journals that I kept along the way.

In this first portion, the Taroko Gorge, I spent a few days driving through the entire park, camping in random cut-aways and hiking around the myriad trails, rope bridges and cliffside temples.  It was an absolute blast.  And it was splendid to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city grind and step back into another realm of this mysterious, geological jungle of sheer rock faces and strange fauna.

Along the trip, I saw wild pigs, what looked like the back of a giant dog (but what was later what I found out more likely the Asiatic bear) and some amazingly diverse species of winged creatures – not all of which were diurnal.

From the swell of sounds bellowing around my tent at night to the breathtaking natural vistas during the day, this trip was amazing.

Most of the footage that I have of the trip wasn’t even used for the film.  It was a memorable collection of short, voiceless footage of birds landing all around me, not caring (or perhaps knowing) I was there, snakes lazing around the abandoned trailside, or waterfalls slowly chiseling away at the earth from far away on top of a mountain pass or overlook.  I guess, looking back a year after I captured this footage, I was likely taking this footage more for me than anyone else.

And as I spent many hours reliving my mindscape of the time, it brought back many sobering memories of the entire time period surrounding all those moments in Taiwan.

Malacca Day 3: Taming Sari Gyro Tower at Night over the Town

On my last night in Malacca, Malaysia, I decided to take a trip to the rotating tower high above the new downtown area just outside of the Dutch Quarter.  Though it wasn’t a long trip, I still came away with some great shots and experienced the town unlike most visitors here.

Malacca Day 3: Night Driving

This timelapse sequence covers the entire trip from the old Dutch Quarter, through downtown Malacca, to the restaurant hub behind the newest part of town.

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Malacca Day 2: Night Walk in the Dutch Quarter Part Two

Walking through the old Dutch Quarter of Malacca, I snapped these photos under the Banyon trees.  I put them into this timelapse sequence just to add a bit of glamour on my otherwise normal photo-walk through the old town. The trees were lit up and really beautifully with the colored lights pointed up from underneath.

Malacca Day 2: Night Walk in the Dutch Quarter Part One

Walking through the old Dutch Quarter of Malacca, I snapped these photos under the Banyon trees.  I put them into this timelapse sequence just to add a bit of glamour on my otherwise normal photo-walk through the old town. The trees were lit up and really beautifully with the colored lights pointed up from underneath.

Malacca: Day 1

Recommendation number one: Don’t drive to Malacca.  Take a bus, take a train – hitchhike.  Just don’t drive here.  The maps are wrong, the locals are directionally impaired and when you finally find the one road that is supposed to be a straight shot from the highway, it turns out to be a zig-zagging version of a city planners bad joke.  It winds through suburbs, combines with other tandem roadways and if you ever need to make a u-turn, forget about it unless you’re willing to take the 5-mile detour needed to get back on track.

But once you’re here, it almost seems worth it.  Just kidding.  It’s quite awesome, I must say.  I have only been to China Town and Little India so far, and I arrived at 5pm today.  So even in the short time since being here (currently around midnight), I’ve already had a great time.

After booking a nice, quiet hotel off the beaten track, I was able to find this nice little sectioned-off parcel of road that closes it’s access to cars and sets up shop for the foot traffic.  I ran into this kooky, little, old lady with a mask shop containing enough wood carvings to answer for the mysterious bare spots in the various rain forests of the world.

I’m not kidding.  This woman had more masks than the prop closet on Broadway.  I was in heaven.  I love masks so much that I nearly asked her if I could set up a cot in the back and spend the night checking them all out.  I didn’t, though.  Instead, I talked her into letting me film all throughout the shop and even got an impromptu interview – though, I am not sure that she knew it was happening.  And I think that she really didn’t like being on camera once she found out.

At first, she told me to stop filming.  But I whipped out a business card and told her that I’d put her in my latest documentary and she loosened right up.  So I will try and put the outtakes on my YouTube channel and in this blog (time allowing).

I ate what they said was a “large” pizza on the corner of the main statue in front of this makeshift night market and kept cruising the shops until late in the evening.

Once I realized how hungry I was from not having filled the coffers on the quasi-large pizza, I headed over to this Pakistani restaurant that the hotel manager suggested for me.  The food was excellent and I was happy that I took his advice.

The spicy chicken tandoori that I tried was de-li-SHUS!  And it should have been, because I was told by the hotel management that it was the best in Malacca… e’hem.  Uh, that’s, the best in Malaysia.

The chicken is open-roasted on a spit.  They rub the spices on it that you order and give you a choice of dipping sauces.  I took the “herb dip,” which included garlic and Italian spices.  In addition, the reason that people are actually attracted to this Pakistani restaurant in the first place is the bread.  They make it in a clay oven heated from the bottom and slap the flattened bread, spices already wiped on, right inside the giant caldron of an oven, and let it cook for about a minute.  You can add cheese to this, in which case they will roll it up into the inside and it will melt along with the rest of the ingredients at the sweltering 700-degree heat .

They serve it on a plate, normally still steaming, with a various pallet of dips which can be ordered to come with the bread.  I tried the bean curd.  And I can’t say enough about it.  It was a splendid contrast to the bold and spicy punch that the chicken packs.

Washing it all down was the famous Malaysian tea.  Just say “tea” and it is already assumed that you mean “Malaysian” style.  Normally just a black tea with either milk or soy, this tea comes hot.  But you can order it with ice as well.  I generally don’t recommend the iced version because you can never tell whether or not the water for the ice is filtered – though, the assumption is that it’s unfiltered.  But on this warm night, I figured I’d just dive in and worry about the repercussions later.


(In this article) Highly recommended: stay at ABC Hotel.  The rooms are comfortable, but don’t plan on a discount (single/double RM70 – RM90 on weekends).  The showers are hot, the AC is cold, and the management is friendly, knowledgeable and accommodating.  Contact Mr.Selvam at Mobile: 0126396577 or  Address: No:34, Jalan Kota Laksmana 3, Taman Kota Laksamana, 75200 Melaka. Phone: 062816670.

Adventure on a Roll


This past weekend, I headed out to Serdang and had a blast at the Giant Hamster Ball.  I also met some amazing new friends and shot some really cool footage for my latest documentary here in Malaysia.

GAC Adventures Malaysia, hosted the event which included a water orb, bumper orb and, of course, the downhill orb (and even had an archery set-up while you wait!).  I suppose that calling them “Giant Balls” might have brought on the wrong impression.  So they ended up with “orb” instead.

In any case, I met Wan, the environmentalist pictured above, and his cousin, the lovely and bubbly, Amaal, who have both been wonderful contacts to meet along the way.

Wan works as a conservation forester in one of the oldest forests in Malaysia.  They call this the virgin forest because of its untouched beauty.  And Wan said that I will be welcomed to join him on many weekends when we can explore this wonderful place.  So I will definitely be taking him up on that.

Amaal has sent me some amazing contacts for going out all over Malaysia and seeing the country that most people don’t get to see when they visit here.  So I am happy to have met such enthusiastic and knowledgeable folks that can show me the ropes.

So, thanks to her, I will be looking forward to filming wild elephants at the Kuala Gandah Elephant Conservation Center, doing zip-lines with SkyTrex Adventures, checking out the National Museum and seeing what kinds of amazing masks they have on display, visiting a plethora of breathtaking waterfalls all over the country (including a 4WD trip to the Jereng Kang Waterfall), going to the largest continuous rain forest complex in Peninsular Malaysia, Belum- Temengor, and even hope to do the famous North Borneo Railway through the jungles of Sabah!

And let’s not forget the skydiving that I still have planned!  CJ, the owner of GAC Adventures, has even told me about the motorized paragliding that he and his friends do.  So I’ve also been invited along for that.

It looks like I have my work cut out for me in the coming months.  And it’s gonna be an absolute blast traveling all over the country to get this amazing footage.

Don’t worry; I will be blogging all about it and bringing you along with me.  But don’t forget that this will all be going into an ultimate documentary that exposes the Malaysia that only shows itself to those willing to live and stay here long enough to meet the right people (like Amaal and Wan) to make it happen!

Check out the short video below to get a sneak preview of the downhill orb and other events that went down this past weekend.