Update on the upcoming e-Book

My trip through the Philippines will be coming to a close soon — at least in this journal.  And I wanted to let you know that there is more to look forward to in the coming week.

Along with the upcoming journals from my travels throughout the islands of Taiwan, I will also be releasing the various parts of my next film, Travel Geek: Documentary Taiwan — just as I have here in the Philippines section of the blog.  However, before I get on to that, I wanted to announce another very special treat — for the readers of this blog and for me as well.

After the final day that the last of the Philippines journals are published, I will be releasing my new book, Postcards from the Pavement: Southeast Asia, the book that follows my Southeast Asian travels all the way through to the beginning of this blog.  So if you ever wanted to enjoy the entire ride and read about all the places that I have visited since moving to Asia — and all in one sitting — this is the book for you.

Publishing a book is not easy business.  But the process has been made much easier in recent years by the free market competition against the Big Six publishers.  And in even more recent years, the big wholesalers like Barnes & Noble and Amazon have even come into competition of their own.  The ePub market has exploded with independent writers like myself.  And we’ve created such a demand for easy publishing, that the response has been overwhelming.

But before the book gets its ISBN and goes on the bigger distribution websites, I wanted to offer it here to my subscribers first.

This book — released here in PDF so anyone can read it without the eReader, Nook, Kindle, etc. — comes with fully interactive links to videos hosted on the site.  So as long as you’re near an internet connection, you can watch the videos right from the book!

It’s also completely collated with jump-to-chapter and jump-to-page links and search options.  You can even highlight, mark, bubble-text and page-save just as in the latest PDF options!

What’s more, I have added scores of new photos that aren’t offered on my blog or on my photography website.  So when you get the copy of the book, you will literally have a collection of my photographic works that aren’t available anywhere else on the web!

There are nearly 1000 external reference links in the book as well.  So you’re guaranteed to get everything that I have online, plus all the additional content that is only available in the book.

But probably the best part is that, because it’s available for download right to your computer, you can print off an entire copy for yourself, buy one and print it to give away as a gift, or just pick and choose which photos you would like to print and hang them as a memento from the last few years and many thousands of miles we’ve spent together.

When you buy the book, you can also be sure that no big corporations or production companies will benefit in any way.  They have enough money already.  This money will go right back into the blog.  There’s something big that I have planned, but up until now, I haven’t been able to talk about it.

But, since we’re already talking about it; I plan on a monumental trip in the fall of this year, including a documentary filming excursion that will cover ALL ELEVEN COUNTRIES IN SOUTHEAST ASIA!  So the funds gathered by this book will be given right back to you in all the films, photos and journals that will be created throughout that trip.

It’s a very exciting time for me.  I am one of the few media professionals that is completely online.  Of course, if you want hard copies, those can be created.  I only print books and photographs from my commercial website, cyleodonnell.com, when orders come in.  So there is no paper waste, no stockpile of cardboard and plastic packaging sitting around in a warehouse somewhere, no chemicals from printing — nothing but my green books, blogs, images and articles.  Even my website is hosted with iPage, a company whose servers run from wind-generated power!

I am setting the cost of the book at just $4.99 — and only for the readers of this blog — because I want everyone to be able to afford one.  The later release on the ePub giants will cost more because they take a cut right off the top.  So you get the cheapest rate, the freedom to print off the book and you get it BEFORE anyone at Amazon or Smashwords even see it!

And if you’re a friend on my private Facebook page who enlisted in the recent event to sign up for the blog,  don’t worry I will be announcing the free password on that event to get your copy as soon as I release the book later this week.  I haven’t forgotten about you guys!

But having said that, I can honestly say that I need subscribers more than I need the money.  So if you’re reading this and can think of a handful of people who might enjoy my blogs and photography, I will give you something too:  If you can get five (5) people to subscribe to this blog, and they send me an email verifying that you got them to sign up, I will send you a free copy of the book as well.  But it’s gotta be pretty fast because the offer ends as soon as the ISBN is assigned and it’s published in the commercial market.  (that email is cyle@cyleodonnell.com)

Remember, this is just the first book in a series of many more to come.  In fact, before the end of next month I plan on having released more than 50 short stories — all within the collection of stories from the Mishaps in Motion series, which includes this upcoming book, Postcards from the Pavement: Southeast Asia.  

Watch the video below, and see what I have planned for the future.

Until then, enjoy the last journals from the Philippines!
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poAecxtbp3o]

Re: Author Spotlight: Richard Dawkins


The blog that follows hereafter discusses the views expressed by Richard Dawkins, an admittedly controversial author and evolutionary biologist, whose opinions and research unfailingly spill over into the religious spectrum.  Being that the Travel Geek label and this blog maintain the priority of discussing issues which center around travel, research and humor — and not overly polarizing issues —  I have password protected the content below.

By nature, I am not a guy who shies away from controversial issues.  But seeing as most readers of this blog don’t really come here to talk about, learn about or find those types of issues, I wanted to ensure that this material wasn’t immediately visible for those who don’t want to see it.  Therefore, if you would like to see the review, enter this password: #DawkinsRichardRevie.  And if not, no worries!  You can rest assured knowing that more interesting stuff is on its way soon.

If you’re viewing this post outside the main blog, you can access “Author Spotlight: Richard Dawkins” by clicking HERE.  The permalink is here: http://cyleodonnell.wordpress.com/2012/03/27/author-spotlight-richard-dawkins/

Author Spotlight: Lian Hearn

In his Japanese warrior trilogy, The Tales of the Otori, Lian Hearn dives into a gripping account of deep love, gritty warfare, mystical powers and hardened betrayal.  And he does so with the poetic prose of master writers.

The thing that I have come to appreciate the most about his writing is that the depictions of the ancient tales are woven around a latticework of what most readily appears to the western reader as a very identifiable and believable historicity that may very well have existed in the hand-me-down legends that pass through the virtual gateways of Japanese myth.  Seeing how these myths, then, play out in a western authorship, makes his books take on that very mysticism on which he bases his themes.  And that certainly goes for his style as well.

Just as in his characters’ level of patience and poise, he writes in a way that sells his scene with obvious, painstaking precision.

To say that he wrote a “trilogy,” though, isn’t quite true.  The trilogy exists and is certainly worth the read.  But he has also gone in and written a prequel and a sequel that gives a two-fold capstone to the series.

The first in the trilogy is called Across the Nightingale Floor, and talks about the young master who, unbeknownst to him, is the last in a long line of mystical tribesmen.  He’s trained at an art which he will later use to shroud his real powers — all the while honing them to become invisible, move with phantom-like fluidity and scale impossible climbs.

My review will end with this book, but I discuss more in the video.  And I don’t want to give the rest away, but you can feel free to find out more about his other books at these links:

Across the Nightingale Floor

Grass For His Pillow

Brilliance of the Moon

The video review is below:
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eu5oXU-VzIM]

[Wanna Help?  One way you can help is to sign up for blog updates.  You can also share this video (which can be found on my channel), my photography website and this blog.  Email at least ten of your email contacts who might enjoy it.  Help spread the word so others can enjoy my travels!  If you have any questions, just email me at: cyle@cyleodonnell.com. You can also follow me on facebook, sign up to receive my tweets on Twitter, and see my latest pins on Pinterest!]

Author Spotlight: Aung San Suu Kyi

Along with her book, Letters from Burma, I also recommend her book, Freedom From Fear.  Both were written while she was under house arrest at her Inya Lake residence in Myanmar.  When released in 2009, she instantly became one of the front runners in the political movement in which she was involved before her incarceration 15 years before.

In Letters from Burma, which is a collection of two-page notes, she talks about everything from her visitation rights to and from her loved ones and supporters, to the folly involved in releasing pigeons outside her house.  And in the moments where she’s found writing about the smaller, less static times of her manifold hours alone, her poetic writing never trails too far from the undercurrent of strife that she is faced with in her life.

Truly an inspiring woman through her strength, dedication and passion for non-violent resolutions in a country run by anything but peaceful leaders, her book, Letters From Burma, shouldn’t inspire women.  It should inspire EVERYONE.

Below is my video review on her book and her time as the leading face of the peaceful movement in a land of tyranny.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhkOiI2vrts]

[Wanna Help?  One way you can help is to sign up for blog updates.  Then email at least ten people from your email contacts who might enjoy reading the journals and checking out the photos and films.  You can also share this video (which can be found on my channel), my photography website and this blog.  Help spread the word so others can enjoy my travels!  If you have any questions, just email me at: cyle@cyleodonnell.com. You can also follow me on facebook, sign up to receive my tweets on Twitter, and see my latest pins on Pinterest!]

Author Spotlight: On Gordon Mathews

Today’s Author Spotlight from the Travel Geek, is Gordon Mathews.  He wrote a book called Ghetto at the Center of the World.  This book really appealed to me since I bought it while I was staying at the Chunking Mansion — the location the book discusses.  It’s an odd place, that’s for sure.  But nowhere near as odd as it becomes in Mathew’s world.

He’s a professor at Hong Kong University and has studied the place by staying at a room there (I think I read) at least once a week for three years preceding the book’s release — and presumably even longer.  And while I don’t want to spoil it for you, I also don’t want you not knowing what an amazingly telling non-fiction this book really is.

From interviews with sex workers to anonymous inspirations from heroine traffickers, Mathews really digs in deep — almost as would an investigative journalist with a penchant for the underworld.  And in that, he brings to the surface all the gritty details of the amazing goings-on with the big, white elephant stationed at the heart of the world’s foremost megatropolis.

Be sure to visit my photography website for HDR photos of Hong Kong.  And support the blog and buy a print!

Here’s my video review of Mathews and his 2011 book, Ghetto at the Center of the World.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgcIljo_ptQ]

[Wanna Help?  One way you can help is to sign up for blog updates.  Then email it to ten friends who might enjoy it.  You can also share this video (which can be found on my youtube channel), my photography website and this blog.  Help spread the word so others can enjoy my travels!  If you have any questions, just email me at: cyle@cyleodonnell.com. You can also follow me on facebook, sign up to receive my tweets on Twitter, and see my latest pins on Pinterest!]