Insights from the Pavement: Embodying Our Beliefs

Having had the humbling experience to visit with the multiplicity inherent to varied cultures of the world, it has occurred many times along the trail that belief drives many people’s actions.  This, of course, has the potential for extremely tragic and misguided consequences such as violence and bigotry.  But it also has the blossoming opportunity for the polar opposite; the caring, compassionate embracement of others.

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Each of us believes something different – even if we claim the same religion.  We cherish different facets of our ethos others might not appreciate.  We dismiss items that others hold dear.  We even hold our beliefs with varying levels of philosophical value. There’s just no way for two people to believe the exact same thing.  And while this dispute is apparent in many current debates in the news and among various communities, it cannot be argued that it is impossible for anyone else to know exactly what we know inside our own heads.  We simply have no words for many of the feelings and the depth that each of us has within us.

With that in mind, it’s very easy to understand that if we value the right to believe what we want to believe in our own minds, we should therefore expect to offer that same right to others.  And therefore, if we were to infringe upon that privilege in others’ lives, we would not deserve to enjoy it, ourselves.

No matter what our belief structure happens to be, it’s always important to understand that others are not living out the same personal experience that we are facing in this life.  And the principles that we hold within ourselves are simply not valid for others.  Realizing and maintaining this perspective will do us much good in interacting with people of vastly differing cultural and religious backgrounds.

It may well be that the person across from us on the bus would just as soon not have us around.  But what would happen if we showed them that our religious or irreligious background had something positive to leave them with?  After all, it’s hard to stay mad at someone who’s being nice.

We don’t need to work very hard to express the more positive side of our heritage.  We need simply to understand that the same fears exist within others as within ourselves.  And while we may believe in our own minds that we know quite a lot, none of us has this universe figured out.  And until we do, we’re all just beings sharing resources and hoping for the best for ourselves and our loved ones.  It need be no more complicated than that.

Like this photo from this journal? Check out the album HERE.

My new book, Insights from the Pavement, is a collection of 101 Travel Oms just like this one. Look for it to be released soon.

Join the conversation, tell me what you think about this idea. Leave your comments below.

Insights from the Pavement: Don’t Always be Right

Everyone has heard it: “You don’t always have to be right.”  This particular phrase has been around for a while.  And though I generally try to come up with unique content, I thought this one was due a reunification with the globetrotters out there.

Not always being right is a notion that has served me well many times on the road.  In fact, I can recall several instances of sitting at some train station somewhere and looking up from my book to see someone who hadn’t quite hammered in this ideology.  And there they were, quibbling over some mundane detail of their itinerary with their partner (or worse; the conductor).  They’d go on and on about how they were right and the other person was wrong.  They’d throw their hands up and raise their voice.

But does it really matter that much if you spent three extra dollars on your last meal?  Could it be that terrible that you could have visited the beach instead of the mountains?  And when was the last time that you honestly gave a crap about eating a bad meal one time out of hundreds?

You saved up money for this trip – spend it.  You came here to see new things – beaches or mountains or waterfalls or whatever: it’s all a bonus because you haven’t seen it before.  And you can always choose something else on the menu next time.  But for now, you know what broiled cobra tastes like in Vietnam.

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Many times we get so caught up in the confusion of time tables and the frustration of possibly over-spending that we seem to lay all the rest to the wayside.  This is even more profound a sentiment when traveling with a romantic partner.  Along with stripping away the tools in our “back-home tool boxes,” traveling also strips away our politeness and patience.  So we’re left exposed as the real people that we are inside.

Having this knowledge beforehand will undoubtedly serve us well as we gallivant the globe.  But there’s also something more.  We should take with us those lessons, but also remember that it’s not so much important to be correct in every decision that we make on the road.  We’ll make many bad decisions before we’ve found out how to be comfortable in this new place.  We’ll eat the wrong food, spend way too much on this thing or that thing, we’ll make the wrong turn on the map and wind up in the opposite direction and we’ll even look around us and truly believe that these people just have it in for us and they want us to fail.

The key to letting go of all of these inevitably frustrating circumstances is to understand that there are, many times, situations that we simply can’t control, have foreknowledge of or be able to do right the very first time.  And even if we did know everything we needed to know, we don’t have to be so callous as to gloat about it or deride others in an effort to simply prove ourselves right.

After all, when we look back on a situation from the point in time where we have concluded our time on that particular road, we’ll only remember these frustrations as times that taught us to be the person we are today.

Like this photo from this journal? Check out the album HERE.

My new book, Insights from the Pavement, is a collection of 101 Travel Oms just like this one. Look for it to be released soon.

Join the conversation, tell me what you think about this idea. Leave your comments below.

Youtube Update May 5, 2013

Happy Monday everyone. I wanted to start this week off by beginning the process of integrating my other media into the blog. So I thought I’d share my YouTube intro video with all the readers and maybe get more of you to subscribe to my channel.

Normally I try to average a release of one new video per week. Some weeks I upload three or four in preparation for those weeks when I know I’ll be traveling or filming. These videos are podcasts (which I call Travelcasts) with other bloggers and travelers. Others are Travel Geek Top Ten videos, where I talk about the top ten tips for travelers on a new topic each time. And some are the outtakes and extras from filming junkets I’ve recently taken.  It really just depends on what I am working on.

Whatever I am doing at the moment, I am almost always sure to be making a video of it or talking about it in front of the camera, or something video related. So my channel is never too far from fresh content.

Watch my channel intro video and then head over to subscribe. There should also be a link at the end of the video to subscribe directly.



Wanna connect further?  Look up at the top left of the page and find me on Twitter and Facebook, too!

My New Book Has Been Published!!

Once again, I am humbled and overwhelmed by the amazing sense of fulfillment that I have been honored to receive this year.  It’s been my most successful year in a very long time.  And it keeps getting better.

To top it all off, I have released my latest book, Portraits from the Pavement: Slices of Life in North America.

It’s available for iTunes and for the iPad HERE.  This version is $3.99.

And it’s cheapest version, $2.99 on PDF, is available HERE.

It’s also available as a hard copy in softcover, hardcover and with ImageWrap HERE.  These prices start at $37.89.

If you visit the BOOKS page on my website, you can preview the first 30 pages or so.  So head over and check that out.


From the back of the book:

The first of more than a dozen image-driven narratives, Portraits from the Pavement: Slices of Life in North America, showcases my first four years working as a media professional in the U.S. and Canada. Represented in more than 160 inspiring images across 92 fully illustrated pages, this book exhibits a collection of the most breathtaking images taken as a budding photographer and undergraduate journalism student.

Insights from the Pavement: Stop Seeking Approval

Self-worth is a value that is often lacking among our more important attributes.  It can lead to depression, low self-esteem and even missing out on opportunities because we’re just not confident enough to engage in worthwhile challenges.

These effects, of course, have further problems and add to even more negative points in our lives.  But it is important to know that we are not alone when we begin to doubt ourselves.

Click the image to visit the photo album.

No matter what you tell yourself, no matter what your closest friends tell you and no matter what the stranger sitting across from you says, we all feel self-doubt from time to time.  How much and how often generally depend on a lot of environmental factors that may not even have anything to do with us or our level of accomplishment.

In the farthest reaches of this world, this issue is prevalent.  And even then, there is also the emotional opposite of this particular level of self-consciousness: over-confidence.

In either of these extremes, there is one characteristic that links them both and which is undeniable — once we know what we’re looking at.

What you’re worth becomes much clearer once you’ve found out where your limits are.  Traveling, by way of expanding our horizons, gives us a direct line into that better, more expanded version of ourselves.  And once we look back over that amazing mountain that we’ve just climbed, or trace our fingers over the map delineating the long trek we just made, our level of self-worth seems just as large and impressive as the feat itself.

Therefore it is not only a natural effect that travelers are, themselves, better people than what they left at home, but that they also begin to see that they have a much greater sense of what they can achieve for themselves.  Seeking the approval of others, then, becomes about as useful as the pair of hiking boots that they destroyed after 5,000 miles of hikes through distant lands and over many mountains.

And, metaphorically speaking, the approval of others served its purpose for us when we were in these previous shoes.  Shedding them and donning our new shoes, however, is what is necessary and ultimately inevitable, the “further” we go in our lives.

Like the image from this article?  Visit the photo album HERE.

Insights from the Pavement is a new style of blog that I am trying out.  These will be posted a couple times per week for the next few months.  And I am interested in what my readers and passersby think of them.  So be sure to let me know your thoughts in the comments section.

Insights from the Pavement: Learning to Stop Apologizing

Many times in our lives, we feel compelled to take on the perspective of someone who should be sorry for circumstances that often are not our fault.  This happens for a variety of reasons.

Sometimes it’s to simply alleviate pressure from a tense situation, sometimes it’s to avoid a conflict.  Most of the time, it’s just to take a detour around continuing what could otherwise be an uncomfortable situation.

Whatever the case in each situation that this takes place, we can be sure that we need to begin to be mindful of how often we use this tack.

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Pensive Passion in Sapa Valley, Vietnam.

As many a traveler will say, sometimes we make decisions that land us in a less than optimal situation.  Not only is this inevitable due to our inability to read every circumstantial element around us, to know the future and to understand the agenda or motivation of those around us; it’s also necessary.

As we travel on the physical plane from place to place, or on the metaphorical plane from situation to situation, we are undoubtedly faced with situations where there are endless motivating factors that may, at times, work against us to create difficult conditions.  But while it’s impossible to know the end results of every possible choice we might make in these situations, it is possible for us to be conscious of how we internalize them.

While traveling, we bump into one another, intrude on privacy, interact with resentful, uneducated or even deeply ethnocentric people who may be displeased simply by our presence in their homeland.  But in all of these cases, it is never about you as a person.

If we think back to the last time someone cut us off while driving or gave us a dirty look at the grocery store, we can, with great certainty, recall that we didn’t know these people – it was a random passing of a stranger with whom we didn’t share any previous negativity.  This may not have stopped us from being deeply offended by their actions.  But, just as we don’t know enough about the other person to have anything personal against them, we should always keep in mind that this was not personally directed at us.  And these actions speak more to their place in life than our own.

Having been to enough places to realize that I may not be wanted in the host country, I have come to realize that it is not me that they don’t want in their town.  It’s simply a foreigner that they don’t want around.  And this takes a lot of the pressure off me to feel sorry for having offended someone for having done nothing other than be present.  And looking back on these times, the prejudices of others have never burdened my travels, but rather reminded me of how the next visitor to my home might feel if I am less than welcoming.

After all, how much could simply your presence possibly offend someone?  There’s almost always something else at work.  And it’s rarely your self that is the problem.

Like the photo from this journal?  Check out the album HERE.

Insights from the Pavement is a new style of blog that I am trying out.  These will be posted a couple times per week for the next few months.  And I am interested in what my readers and passersby think of them.  So be sure to let me know your thoughts in the comments section.

Travel Cast with Terry Elward, Podcast #4

Hey Travel Geekers! Today’s Travelcast is with Terry Elward of She’s an extremely knowledgeable and candid bastion of the nomadic lifestyle.

She’s also very creative, if not die-hard, when it comes to global cuisine. She’s not so much a foodie as she is a body-conscious eater. But she blogs about everything from food allergies and intolerance to kosher/halal restrictions and cultural cuisine expectations. And because of that, it’s made her an expert in finding the foods that appease the traditional or religious requirements, that don’t affect the allergic centers and that leave the gastatory organs in the best possible shape!


Follow Terry on Twitter: @MissTravels

And after you’ve followed her, swing on over and follow me as well, @cyleodonnell, as Terry and I tweet our travel tips back and forth — join the discussion!

Insights from the Pavement: The Balance of Calm and Chaos

One of the many pleasures of travel is that it takes us out of the daily grind, removes us from the office and whisks us away to a new and exciting place.  The joy that comes to us even before we leave is largely centered on that very idea.  And as our travel date approaches we often find ourselves lost in our thoughts of what this change from the norm will provide for us.

It is a naturally occurring phenomenon that we as a species need bouts of change in our routine.  For some, this change needs to be constant and continuous.  For others, only a random smattering of island hopping over the course of a decade will do.  But for most of us, breaking up the routine is something best timed on a yearly basis.

Boats at low tide in Hundred Islands National Park, Alaminos, Philippines.

This begs the question; how do we know what kind of change and in what quantity is good for us?

My experience of resisting the urge to shake things up from time to time has left me feeling empty and anxious – needing something more.  Once I learned what that feeling was, it was easy to keep track of the pattern and how to plan for heading it off at the pass.

Of course, this particular rationale has the potential to help us deal with other patterns in our lives.  But it’s safe to say that working on overcoming restlessness and satiating our hunger for discovery will assist in taking care of many of these other needs that our bodies are sure to tell us about.

While on the road, there is nothing resembling the schedules that we hold in our at-home lives.  So it’s easy to see how this affords us a clear view of what’s left behind when the road has finished stripping away all that may have confused the message that our body was trying to convey.

So how do we come to understand these messages while still in our everyday grind?  The best option that I have come to find is ironically a time when I placed myself back into my at-home patterns through meditation.

While spending three sweltering days meditating with Zen monks at a monastery in Southern Thailand, I came upon a mental clearing which wasn’t easy to find, mixed in with all the rubbish that I hadn’t attended to in years.  I found that my body had missed the comforts of a well-planned routine.  And because I’d been traveling for many months by that time, I had never thought to look back into my old life where I was locked into a pattern devoid of any creativity.

In this routine, I’d wake up, do my morning stuff, prepare for work, head out and come home with the hope of having enough energy of making it through a movie before I passed out and awoke to do it all over again.

As mundane and underwhelming as that sounds, my body came to know it as a facet of safety for me.  If I had to plan each day from scratch knowing that I was in a new place with new eating, traveling and working schedules in the lives of the locals, my routine back home would serve me no benefit whatsoever.  And so because I was lost in this months-long pattern of incessant planning, practicing and executing, I never took time to notice that I’d given up that feeling of safety for my experiences on the road.

Perhaps it’s difficult to understand the dynamic that exists in this particular situation.  But simply put, my body was freaking out at what seemed to be a never-ending cycle of input without any sense of structure.  And in this way, I could see how the exact opposite would be true of my life in the rat race.  I’d have the same messages from my body, except they would be about the notion of needing something to break up that incessant regularity.

Having the right balance of roots and wings will do us the most good in finding out what and when our bodies are telling us important things.  Sitting quietly and making time to reflect on our day or week will create the best opportunity for us to listen to ourselves, to become in tune with the oscillation of our ins-and-outs, ebbs-and-flows and tos-and-fros.

Being able to whisk away and find adventure in the limitless dreamscape of the mind aids us in times of rest, while centering on inaction and motionless peace drives a ground rod through our chaotic moment on the move.  And in that, balance can be achieved anywhere we happen to be, simply by creating chaos out of quiet and stillness from disorder.

Like the photo from this journal?  Check out the album HERE.

Insights from the Pavement is a new style of blog that I am trying out.  These will be posted a couple times per week for the next few months.  And I am interested in what my readers and passersby think of them.  So be sure to let me know your thoughts in the comments section.

Insights from the Pavement: Making More of the Trek by Sharing

Having a million miles under our belt doesn’t make us conscientious travelers.  Having been to all the continents doesn’t prove us worthy of everyone’s company.  Just because we’ve braved a couple of mountains, it doesn’t grant us immunity from humanity on the ground.


Many of us have learned that we can travel to great places without physically moving a single foot — and this may well hold greater potential for growth than those who have endless frequent flyer miles in their preferred flyer account.

The insights and wisdom that we’re granted on the road follows each of us who have made occasion to take a personally challenging journey.  So it goes without saying that these experiences remain with us throughout our periods of rest away from the trail.

As we travel we’re undoubtedly thrust into other peoples’ worlds.  This never fails to offer each of us the opportunity of learning a new way of life for others.  Taking advantage of these situations should therefore include being a part of these peoples’ lives as much as they will allow us.

Sitting on a bus surrounded by locals is not just a way to get from point A to point B.  Eating at a roadside restaurant with only the cook and a dusty road for company is never just a time to replenish the food stores.  And passing natives as we trek through their foreign lands is not limited to simply staying focused on the road underfoot.

These are times when we can engage the people whose country we’re enjoying.  Sharing of ourselves not only invites others to do so as well, but also forms a pattern of being open to receiving that which others are eager to share.  And keeping this mentality at the forefront of our travels will do countless amounts of good in forming the larger pattern of embracing others when our trek is over.

This way of thinking not only affords us the highlights of traveling and sharing more intimate connections with the amazing people of this world, it also brings more of our experience back with us and in a more profound way.

Think about taking one of two vacations: One will find you on a beautiful beach, lounging around in the sun; on the other, you get to go camping with a local tribe in the hills of wherever.  Which one would you choose?

Before you answer think about this: We can probably pretty quickly think of large a body of water in our home country.  We can even catch a sun tan on our balcony back home.  But we’ll likely never get another chance at getting an insider’s peak at an amazing and mysterious culture that awaits within that hill tribe.

Why not use your time abroad to have a deeper experience with those who know their country best?  Share of yourself and also invite others in.  Create an environment of open and embracing exchange.  And not only will you feel more fulfilled by your time traveling, those who shared it with you will come to know that much more about your culture as well.

Like this photo from this journal?  Check out the album HERE.


My new book, Insights from the Pavement, is a collection of 101 Travel Oms just like this one.  Look for it to be released soon.

Join the conversation, tell me what you think about this journal.  Leave your comments below.

TravelCast with Ally Quest, Podcast #3

So this weekend I have the lovely and talented Allison Wottowa on the line for my latest podcast.  It’s a memorable conversation with a fellow traveler and filmmaker (and serial Quantum Leap nerd).  She’s the host of the fabulous new series of international, era-oriented travel shorts hosted on her website,

From the Wrigley Family on Catalina Island to Mayan history around the Yucatan, Ally waxes tantalizing travel topics and gives up an amazing top ten list for international wine connoisseurs.

Watch the travelcast (you know, a podcast for travel nuts), and then head on over to check out her website and YouTube channel.