All-Time High! Thanks everyone for my 50th 'Like' on the blog.

Hi everyone.  I wanted to send out a very special THANK YOU for your support in recent days.  Enough people went on and checked out my blogs and thought enough of it to show their support by clicking the ‘Like’ button more than 50 TIMES!!  My current total now sits at 52.  To give you a reference on this, I only have less than 47 journals on travel.  And because I have been adding more to the blog lately, I think that’s a great motivator to keep branching out and creating more interesting content.

Maybe now I might get nominated for one of WordPress’ coveted blogger awards…  [fingers crossed]

Thanks to everyone who came on and read the blog.  You can be sure that I will be keeping up the hard work to bring you the best in travel photojournalism diligence.