journal 40: Reflections and updates

So it’s my 40th Journal update and I thought, being such a nice, round number, I would update my blog to reflect the newest additions to my website.

Firstly, as a recent Matador University Photography Alumnus, I have learned lots that will undoubtedly help me navigate the waters of creating more exciting blogs.  This will include videos, photography discussions, a weekly favorite pick of the best photographs on the internet as well as the latest gear to come into the mainstream. And I will be looking for input from readers that are interested in more.

Here’s my graduation banner:

My website,, is in it’s third year, while the photo galleries, books and blogs have been running since 2005 and, to some extent, beyond.  And during that time, I have trekked nearly 30 nations, ridden my bicycle through 12 countries, written 10 books, produced a database containing more than 25,000 images and made a dozen films from my research and documentary photography.

It’s been a blast.  It’s been an amazing and highly recommended experience.  And sometimes, it’s even been bittersweet.  But it’s never been disappointing.

Please stop by and visit the website.  Check out the newest additions to the photography section and then come back to the blog and post a comment here telling me what you think.  The website is  And it’s a “Hover” site.  Just hover the mouse over the link on the menu until another menu appears.  It’s not really intuitive, and because of that, I have made menus on all of the pages just in case you accidentally click early.  So you’ll need some patience in navigating the links.

Updates include: Indonesia galleries; a new gallery in the Thailand page as well as updates to the galleries in Thailand; North and South Korea galleries; more Malaysia galleries; a new Singapore gallery; and the publication of my newest book which will be available soon.

Just click HERE.

One Reply to “journal 40: Reflections and updates”

  1. When you say you are finally home, where is that? Colin seemed to think that you lived and worked in many places for a while just to accumulate enough money to get back out into the world again. Is there a place you really consider your home or is your life still very transient?
    What can I say, I’m a very curious girl!

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