My Book is Finally Published!


It’s been a while since I wrote, so I thought I would drop you a line and let you know what I have been doing.

Some of you I have known for years and some of you I have met just for a brief moment along my travels. In fact, some of the more than 1300 people receiving this email may not even remember me. But no matter how long we’ve known each other or whether or not you’ve been keeping up with my travels, it’s been my honor and privilege to know you.

I am currently writing this letter from Southeast Asia, where I have been living and working for the past nine months. And since it’s been a while from the time I’ve last updated my blog, I thought I would invite you to come and see what I have been working on.

In the last three months since my last correspondence, I have been quite busy. I have finished the last of 10 cinematic, documentary photo-films, produced 10 books of photography, one non-fiction print edition book of my travel journals and a collection of more than 22,000 images (more than 200 Gigabytes) for my worldwide catalog of photos of the ever-increasing database which is “Cyle O’Donnell Photography.” And the most important part of these last three months of work has been my plan to publish one of each of my books every month for the next ten months.

The first edition, Moving Stills Volume 1: Hill Tribes of Vietnam, is the

Moving Stills Volume 1: Hill Tribes of Vietnam

headliner of the ten-volume set and is available now. At least one book each month will become available for purchase from now until May of 2011, if not sooner. So please keep your eyes open for the next book in the Moving Stills series. To buy a book, see what’s coming next month and for more information, go to the Photo-Books page of my website.

For those of you who haven’t been reading the blogs or been able to keep in touch, I have been riding my bicycle, traveling, photographing and journaling my way through more than 20 countries and four continents over the past five years. I have filled my passport and had to add pages since being here in Asia. And I am nowhere near finished. In fact, along with introducing my soon-to-be-available 10-volume series of books tracing my travel over the last half-decade, I wanted to let you know about the next big adventure coming up in early 2011.

At the end of March next year, I will be back on the road headed across the Gobi Desert in China, into the Himalayan Mountains and through Tibet to Nepal. From there it’s over to India where I will hopefully be able to catch a freighter or cargo ship to Madagascar and into Africa. Once headed north, I hope to make it to Morocco and fly home from Portugal.

This will complete my first complete circle around the world in one direction. And it will be the longest stretch of land that I have ever covered in one shot. So between now and February of 2011, I am hoping to sell enough books, movies and photos in order to sustain my travel as long as it takes to complete that journey.

Along the way, I will be updating the Blog section of my website. So please keep up with me as I detail daily mileage, upload a gallery to vote for the best photo of the week, eat creepy foods, document interesting cultures and

Paragliding self portrait in the windows of an office building

customs, highlight little-known and amazing facts and of course, contribute countless more photos to my endless search for the perfect documentary image.

Please help support my travels by purchasing a photo-book, photo-film or a print of a photo from my website.

Almost everyone needs money to sustain their way of life. But I am not in this for the money. I am traveling as a photojournalist because that’s what I love to do. And to prove it, I am also inviting anyone receiving this email to download any of my fixed media free of charge or fear of copyright infringement. Access to my website, my blogs, and my online images will always be free and you may feel free to download any of the displayed media with my compliments. I have purposefully removed the flash code

A young H'mong girl cares for her little brother in Northern Vietnam

(eternal8;) that protects my photos from being saved to your computer. Of course, I would rather you buy the full resolution, high quality print directly. But I don’t travel with money in mind. So if one of my images grabs you or one of my blogs moves you, feel free to save it, share it or use it in any way that is not negative or derogatory toward any of the people/cultures that are mentioned, denoted or pictured in any of the the online content. I must insist that you credit the creator of all downloaded works, as that is only fair to the author. But my purpose has always been for others to enjoy my work freely.

If, however, you can’t contribute financially to my trip, never fear; there is still one more thing you can do to help. We have all seen those forwards with pictures of cute, cuddly kittens or stories of soldiers in the Iraq War or the emails that guilt you into passing this along to eight people with the promise of something lucky happening. Well, here is one that you can pass along that you can keep up with – follow me on the road as I travel through amazing places and see and do amazing things. This is one that you can send along and see if it makes its way around the world all the way back to me. This is an email about which you’ll be able to say, “I know this guy, he’s really out there riding his bike and traveling around the world and writing about it.”

So please send me along to everyone in your contacts list. Help me get my name and my artwork out there for others to enjoy.

My name is Cyle O’Donnell and it would be my great honor if you would visit my website and blog and tell others about it. Here’s where to find me:


This is a one-time bulk email, so I apologize about its impersonal nature. If you would like to be removed from my email list altogether, please reply with “unsubscribe” in the subject line.

One Reply to “My Book is Finally Published!”

  1. AMAZING!!!!!!! We are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished!!!!! Congrats on the book!! We can’t wait to hear more about your next adventure!!!!

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