
0 Replies to “River32”

  1. The floating bball court; its funny how we all do the same things, we just do them differently!?

    On your other photos; I think that you are developing a great eye. Good photographs show enough of the scene to tell the photos story and not include anything distracting; your photographs are doing just that.

    I’d like to see sunrise/sunset photos with unusual subjects shilouetted. The sun colors the sky 30 minutes before and after its appearance. And then for an hour after sunrise the light is very dramatic. Any object, in this light, can make a good photograph; objects that are icons of the country you’re in can be great! A budda, or cross, or the statue of liberty, islands in the middle of the sea would all be great in this light. You might look for them.

    You have a lot of local color. Be sure to talk with the people and get close ups (portraits) of these folks; they tell their own story. The light (seems to be overcast)is great light for the bright colors the people wear and chose to paint their structures. kutgw (keepuptgwrk)dad

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