Travel Geek: Documentray Malaysia Update – Last Filming Roadtrip Before Release

That’s right Travel Geekers, I am in the final stretch of filming for Travel Geek: Documentary Malaysia.

This update from the road comes from my hotel just outside Kuala Lumpur after an epic hike up Mount Tabur West, a three- to five-hour hike depending on ability. More footage will be gathered in this last film shoot. I’ve headed out on peninsular Malaysia’s roadways in search of the most adventurous activities This country has to offer.

And trust me, I found a few: Waterfall repelling (abseiling), spelunking in gigantic caverns, searching for meters-wide flowers (the world’s largest) in the country’s oldest and largest primary rainforest, motorized paragliding over a far north state, coral reef snorkeling on the beautiful east coast islands, white water rafting and an end-of-trip helicopter tour over the city.. The list is just endless.

With brand new camera gear, I am out to conquer Malaysia’s biggest and best. And my schedule is packed for the next couple of weeks.
