My Films Made it to IMDB!

This morning I got some great news:  Not only did I not die during my sleep, but I awoke to find out that my movies had been listed on the International Movie Database,

For those of you who don’t know, IMDB is the go-to website for all of Hollywood’s smash hits.  They have every single movie ever released within the U.S. and they even list most of the world’s foreign films as well.


To top that, they have a totally enmeshed network of links that allow its visitors to click from movie to actor to director to producer to film company and more.  Just go there and check it out.  You’ll see what I mean.  It’s a veritable smorgasbord of movie geek delicacies.

And now they have the best travel documentaries ever made: The Travel Geek series!  So we can finally say that IMDB is complete.  HAH!

What great news!  I was so stoked when I found out that I checked my website email and I found out that not only did I receive the distinguished honor of being listed on this massive and widely known website, I also had an official offer in my inbox as well.  I won’t go over the details here, but let’s just say that it was including paying me for my listing and possibly even purchasing the films and paying me to complete even more.

Oscar’s; here we come!

There has been so much momentum with my films in the last six months, that I figured, now that I have this amazing news, I may as well take this opportunity to list them here.

While traveling, I’ve done a lot of things.  I’ve published four books, finished my master’s degree, produced more than 75,000 images on my online gallery and released four feature films.  And that has all been since 2011.

But there’s been a lot more.  My YouTube channel has nearly 50,000 page views and more than 200 subscribers.  This blog is followed by 1,200 other bloggers, 1,545 registered email followers, almost 4,000 Twitter followers across four accounts and 3,523 Facebook followers.

In the last four months, I’ve seen the largest spike in followers, viewers and readers than in any time that the blog has been running.  And I am just getting started.

In the very near future, I am going to be publishing an ebook for each of my online galleries.  And since there are more than 3,000 photos across 60+ albums, that’ll be quite a lot of books!  And that’s in addition to a deal that I am working on to publish a series of travel short stories and journals later this year.

I have an app currently being built so that I will be able to deliver the ebooks as cheaply as possible to iPad, iTunes and Google Player users.  So there will soon be an app available to view those books and possibly even this blog at the flick of the finger.

So thanks a lot for sticking with me throughout the years.  And look forward to even more in the months to come.

To see my listing as the Director of the Travel Geek films, go to and in the search bar search for “Cyle O’Donnell.”  The direct link is HERE.

I have also been notified by the company that I will be featured on several of the documentary blogs that are upcoming, and also that they know about my “Travel Geek: Documentary Singapore film which will be listed shortly.

They have asked that I keep them abreast of my latest films, as it’s obvious that it is a series of films that I am creating.  And so I should also be seeing Travel Geek: Documentary Malaysia being listed hopefully by the end of the year.

I have just gone for my first filming session to Borneo.  While there, I also filmed a short for my Top Ten Travel Tips for Exercising on the Go. But I plan on going for my second set soon.  Once I have completed what I hope to complete there in June or July, I may be finished filming for the entire documentary.  So if that’s the case, I will be releasing Travel Geek: Documentary Malaysia ahead of schedule!

I’ll keep you posted on all the progress.


What do you think?  Have you watched my films?  Do you like them?  Do you think that they could be better or is there any advice you can offer?

Go to my YouTube page and watch a few of the other videos.  Do you like the content? What can I do to make it better?

How about IMDB?  Do you go there and do you have anything to add about the page that these movies are listed on?


Thanks for your comments!

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